Thursday, April 25, 2019

My Editor, the Monkey on My Back (4.25.19)

For those of you who feel a need to return to the basics every so often, maybe as a way to recharge your writerly batteries, we decided at yesterday's W@1 session to concentrate next week on “free writing,” a method also known as “automatic writing.”  For our purposes in poetry writing, free writing is second cousin to stream of consciousness writing and even the techniques of the surreal practiced by the likes of Rimbaud, Artaud, Breton, Joyce, and on to Ginsberg, Kerouac, O’Hara, Ferlinghetti, and further into our generation as practiced by Wanda Coleman, Ann Lauterbach, Leslie Scalapino and many other writers of the San Francisco/Black Sparrow Press scene.[1]

Basically, free writing is this: you write without stopping.

You do this at a steady but not frenetic clip, for a set period of maybe ten minutes, then fifteen, then twenty as you become more accustomed to it.  You do this a couple times each week, even more often if you’re up for it, just as you might work out with hand weights two or three times a week: three sets of twenty reps on this side, three sets of twenty reps on the other side, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

You write without having anything in particular to say.[2]

The point of free writing is to loosen up your writerly synapses, to get you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually situated toward writing something of value at some point.  BUT NOT YET.[3]

Peter Elbow, a popular teacher of writing in the 1970s, had this to say about free writing: 

The main thing about freewriting is that it is nonediting.  It is an exercise in bringing together the process of producing words and putting them down on the page.  Practiced regularly, it undoes the ingrained habit of editing at the same time you are trying to produce.[4]

Decouple production from editing!  This is what I was trained to do with my own students, finally, in the 1980s, after I’d finished graduate school and worked at a more progressive Department of English. (I might add that this training also helped save me as a writer of poetry—it helped me to get the Monkey Editor off my back so I could at least get some words on the page.)  But it’s easier said than done, so there are techniques to learn, of course!

Technique: make the time to free write regularly, at least a couple of days a week, and for about ten minutes.  You can expand—more often, for longer periods—as you get better at the decoupling.

Technique: don’t try to speed write, but write steadily.  It’s the continuousness that helps to loosen up your writerly synapses and, quite literally, the muscles in your pen-holding fingers.

Technique: don’t stop.  FOR NOTHIN’!!  For the entire ten minute writing period, just keep moving the pencil or pen (or your thumbs on your iPhone’s keypad).  Don’t even worry about hitting returns.  Don’t worry about correcting anything like punctuation or spelling or word order.  Don’t stop to think of a better word than the one you just used (although, if that word occurs to you as you free write, put it down!), and don’t revise.  If you get stuck for something to put down, just write the word STUCK or I’M STUCK or something like this until your mind gets over itself.

Free writing isn’t always or just about generating new content.  Some of us have little trouble doing that naturally already.  Free writing can help you to establish a fresher, more creative stance toward the content you already have in mind.  If it’s done in a directed fashion, it can even help you discover new thoughts, relationships, associations, perspectives, memories and the like with respect to your content.  It can help you to richer content.


And now for the project . . . use your free writing first to loosen yourself up, then perhaps to develop content for a poem.  Don’t set out trying to write a poem, though; in fact, don’t even try to make lines.  Remember the lineation project we just did?  Well, try writing in an un-lineated fashion, margin to margin.  After ten minutes or so, set what you wrote aside.  Come back to it later looking for potential poems—in the form of a topic, a certain tone or persona, a rhythmical effect, some striking images; all the stuff you’d expect to put into a poem.  Then look for or recreate out of your free writing the “movement” of a poem, which is to say, content that has a beginning, a middle, and an end, so that you don’t wind up with just a fragment or fragments.

And that’s what you should bring to our next Wednesdays@One, along with your thoughts about your experience with free writing.

See you then!

[1] I am not merely dropping names here.  If you’re really interested to improve your writing, then you’ll want to extend your commitment to reading these and other poets of the Surrealist, Automatic, Beat and post-Beat eras.  You’ll want to understand why they abandoned traditional approaches to composition, not to mention conventional understandings of what constitutes poems and poetry.
[2] A relative of free writing, which I used to teach in my freshman comp classes, is “directed free writing,” in which you write non-stop with a certain topic or idea in mind, like “cars” or “money” or “salt” or “laundry detergent,” and the more generalized (to a point), the better.  This kind of writing is also called invention writing or discovery writing—you practice it without using a reference manual of any kind, in order to understand how much you already know about a subject, and therefore how much you already have to say, even before you begin to research it.
[3] An analogy: the other day, I overheard a conversation among tennis players on the court next to mine.  One fellow asked why people stand in close to the net and bat the ball back and forth to each other as a warm-up.  “What’s the point of that,” he asked his tennis mates, “what’s that supposed to do for you?”  This was a man who likely could never sit still long enough to free write.  (I wanted to shout, “The point is hand-eye-ball coordination, you dummy!  You’re going to need these when the points count.”  But I didn’t.)
[4] “Freewriting,” in Invention and Design: A Rhetorical Reader, eds. Forrest D. Burt and E. Cleve Want. New York: Random House, 1975.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Lineation Redux (4.14.19)

Attached are some poems that I have “de-lineated.”  The project for this coming Wednesday is to read them carefully enough to see any possible formal devices (e.g., rhyme, meter, verbal end-stop or enjambment, punctuation) and/or any logical/rhetorical/syntactical cues that might suggest a line ending or beginning, or a stanza break, and then indicate with a slash (/) where the line breaks.  If you think the text suggests or should have a stanza break, insert a double slash (//) where you think the text has/should have a new stanza.

I will bring the originals to W@1 so we can compare your line breaks.  It’s likely fruitless in most instances to try to guess what line breaks the author originally inserted, though this might be a fun guessing game!  More fruitful will be to assess each poem here according to the above suggestions about rhythm and formal devices and try to “re-lineate” based on what your ear and your eye tell you.

Like everything else in poetry, when it comes to lineation, there are conventions and there are innovations; there are “schools” and there are unique styles; there are traditions and there are experiments.  The point of this project is to help us all to think about the decisions—conscious or otherwise—that we make when writing poems.

Spoiler alert: the text of one of the poems here actually is printed with fully justified margins, left and right.  So it looks on the page like what we usually refer to as a "prose poem."

For a slightly deeper discussion on lineation, you can re-visit our project dated 12.12.17 (there are two blog entries), on my  You’ll find the discussion in the blog archive, under 2017-December.

To My Dear and Loving Husband

─ Anne Bradstreet, ca. 1678

If ever two were one, then surely we. If ever man were loved by wife, then thee; if ever wife was happy in a man, compare with me, ye women, if you can. I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold or all the riches that the East doth hold. My love is such that rivers cannot quench, nor ought but love from thee, give recompense. Thy love is such I can no way repay, the heavens reward thee manifold, I pray. Then while we live, in love let’s so persevere that when we live no more, we may live ever.

The Birds of the Air
─ W. S. Di Piero, 2014

The Cooper’s I now see farther down trail pulls my vision to red-tail mates dialing through blues above a sparrowhawk’s crown that turns from phone lines toward elk cows bugling near the heron hunting gophers—the just enough always too much already. This coastal track we followed years ago poppies redwoods fiddleheads monkeyflower mistletoe oh the healing mistletoe that clings to the live oaks it falls from while we agreed we could not be as we were and wind rushed through our ears our voices as it’s rushing now as if our voices still say no this can’t be what we meant or wanted. How many times we said that. It must have been what we wanted talking so much helplessly about what’s not here anymore is its own kind of plenitude, isn’t it? How lucky are we.

Owl Poem
─Caroline Bird, 2002

I refuse to write about an owl, better to write about a person with an owl, or a person who wants an owl, or better still, a person who hates owls and will never have an owl.

Once Upon a Cold November Morning
─Mark Strand, 2012

I left the sunlit fields of my daily life and went down into the hollow mountain, and there I discovered, in all its chilly glory, the glass castle of my other life. I could see right through it, and beyond, but what could I do with it? It was perfect, irreducible, and worthless except for the fact that it existed.

Waking Up
─William Bronk, 1994

Mr. Dread was in the bed. I’m leaving he said then did.  Well, we’ll see.

The Scenario
─Kevin Young, 2018

The two of us, black, met one night dancing alongside each other to Tribe at a party in the world’s smallest room. Someone from Carolina brought moon-shine & over the beat, the clanking heat, Phillipe leaned over his date to say, Hey man, we should be friends. What you know yo. And that was that. Popping the caps off brown Red Stripe bottles with his teeth he’d drink out the side of his mouth, sly. We heads kept ours dreaded, crowned—a decade later he was gone. The Scenario, our favorite of 500 songs.