Saturday, October 3, 2020

Why am I surprised to be surprised about being published in Oddball Magazine? (10.3.20)

I discovered that a poem of mine, "Affliction," was published in Oddball Magazine at the end of July.  It should be embarrassing to admit that someone my age googles his own name, but there's a lesson here . . . oily as it feels to look for yourself online, it's probably a wise thing to do if you're a writer who actively submits material to various outlets.  Since nobody at Oddball informed me that they'd accepted a poem of mine, and since I'd forgotten I'd sent them poems (in January), I was surprised to see they'd actually published the poem.  Oddball Magazine.  Maybe I should be surprised I'm surprised.

Well, I am gratified that one of those poems found a home!  Oddball seeks work from writers and visual artists with the idea of matching individual pieces--a poem to a painting, a piece of fiction to a photograph.  My poem is paired with a slightly disturbing photo of people wearing gas masks.  Hmmm.  The name is Oddball, after all.

Anyway, go take a look.  And if you like the magazine, try submitting something yourself.  Or maybe supporting them with a subscription.  Imagine letting that slip out at your next virtual reading . . . how you gave money to Oddball.

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