Think of this post as the voice of a writer thinking out loud.
Think of this post as thinking finding a voice.
Think of it as an outloudness of the voice of a thinking.
Think of it as the voice of a writer thinking out loud.
The forms of rhythm are many and so they begin
Because like every beginning under the sun,
They must begin if they are to begin.
The form is repetition, repetition,
repetition and again repetition,
how something, a thing, a thinking repeats,
as in a body's intake of air
for an exhalation, a projection
to accomplish something more than
a sigh, mere utterance, something
that pretends music: pitch, tone, module,
scale, tempo, beat, the rush of the breath outward
over the tongue that is folded or made
into a trough, or extended and flattened
or else rounded, or retracted, flapped or stilled,
made rigid or flaccid to broadcast, to target
by constricting the out-rush ghosted
through the variable cavity of the lips,
roses of the face, makers of rictus and pucker,
pout and smile, and to accomplish something more
than a sigh,
as we have said before . . .
A word, if you will: repetition.
Sequences repeat or they are not.
Breathe in, breathe out.
And again . . .
In poetry, form is the stressed
breath against the un-stressed leaning,
chest-bumping, crashing, brushing, the signal knock
whap/dah/DUH, whap/DAH/duh, WHAP/dah/duh,
which we shall call differentiation in relation, difference
in proximity, relational necessity. And you know that.
Your competence means knowing that.
Time as form.
A form of first this then this,
the lapse from a beginning to an end.
No time unless that: sequences repeat.
And typography.
A space is pause.
Space a blankness for a time an accommodation
for reconsiderations
or a deeper thinking.
or a not thinking.
Looks like [ ], but in typography
time is everywhere b-e-t-w-e-e-n-a-l-l
u-t-t-e-r-e-d-i-n-s-t-a-n-c-e .
And so time is nothing a formative nothingness
a rhythm.
Of going and waiting and going . Again.
Then silence for how else,
with what else does one fill a space
so that it remains space? Digitally
a representation of silence [note it
between the c and the e of the last word
before the bracket] unlike the bracket
which is space made for thought or for
language at least uttered. Digitally
a representation of a coffin of language,
where one goes to bury the word.
Form, an accomplishment.
A thing done a doing completed . . .
as we have said .
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